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Interior Decorating: Designing A Theme For Your Space

Flushing Tampons Down the Toilet is Really Bad For the Environment FYI
Flushing Tampons Down the Toilet is Really Bad For the Environment FYI from flipboard.com

The Bathroom: Can You Use a Tampon?

Bathroom Interior

Let's start by answering the question that many women may have: can you use the bathroom with a tampon in? The answer is yes, you can. Tampons are designed to stay securely in place, even during physical activities. However, it's important to remember to change your tampon every 4-8 hours to prevent the risk of toxic shock syndrome.

Now that we've got that out of the way, let's focus on designing the bathroom space. When it comes to bathrooms, it's important to prioritize functionality and cleanliness. However, that doesn't mean your bathroom can't also be aesthetically pleasing.

Color Scheme

Bathroom Color Schemes

Choosing a color scheme for your bathroom can help tie the space together and create a cohesive look. Neutral colors like white, beige, and gray are popular choices for bathrooms as they create a clean and calming atmosphere. If you want to add a pop of color, consider incorporating a bold accent wall or colorful accessories like towels and rugs.

Furniture Placement

Bathroom Furniture

Bathrooms are often small spaces, so it's important to use furniture wisely. Consider installing a pedestal sink or floating vanity to create more floor space. If you have a larger bathroom, a freestanding bathtub or shower enclosure can add a luxurious touch.

Decorative Options

Bathroom Decor

Adding decorative options to your bathroom can help create a personalized and inviting space. Consider adding artwork, plants, or decorative storage solutions to add visual interest. Additionally, incorporating candles or a diffuser can help create a relaxing and spa-like atmosphere.


Designing a bathroom space can seem daunting, but with a little planning and creativity, you can create a space that is both functional and aesthetically pleasing. Remember to prioritize cleanliness and functionality, but don't be afraid to add personal touches to make the space your own.

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